Episcopal Church of the Advent

Life at Advent

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I don't know much about the Episcopal Church? Where can I go on-line to learn about it?

A: A good source is the Episcopal Church in the USA website, take a look at "Seekers & Visitors".

Q: I really like to dig in the dirt. Can the church use this special aptitude?

A: Yes, at planting time, we'll be happy to put you to work! In 2002, Advent installed a Memorial Garden which is a pleasant place to relax in quite contemplation - or by weeding!

Q: Speaking of yard work (and housecleaning/repairs), I can't get enough of it! Can the church use some help in these areas?

A: Listen for announcements about Work Days. there are usually two pizza parties a year (that is, work followed by the downing of pizzas by "exhausted" volunteers!). And if you STILL haven't had enough, don't forget about our participation in Habitat for Humanity!

Q: I like to learn new things. What programs are available?

A: In addition to the Christian Education options, are a number of programs available through the Diocese, including an adult confirmation program.

Q: I'm a kid - what programs or special events are available?

A: Many! There are Christian Education programs for ages from preschool through high school. In worship, you may be interested in being an acolyte, participating in the Youth Choir, being an instrumentalist or a ringer, or being a lay reader. Socially, there is the Youth Group for kids of junior high age and up. The Epiphany Pageant requires kids of all ages. If you have an interest, we'll find a way to put it to use!

Q: I have an infant/toddler/young child. Is there some place for them to go during the service?

A: We have a nursery/playroom that is staffed by parent volunteers during the 10:15 service. These children join the service and their adults during the passing of the peace. Children are of course welcome to stay throughout the service. You will generally find more children attending the later service since Sunday School immediately precedes it.

Q: What's "convention" and "convocation"?

A: Each parish of the diocese elects lay delegates (all clergy are delegates) to the annual diocesan convention, currently held in November. Convention, under the presidency of the Bishop, elects members to diocesan commissions, enacts legislation, and enjoys good fellowship. At the retirement of a Bishop, this is the group that elects the next Bishop.

Convocations are regional subunits of the diocese. Delegates to the convention meet four to six times a year in convocations to be informed about the diocese, as well as to flow information and needs in the other direction. Advent is in the Metro III Convocation.

Q: Suppose I'd like to know more about our services or have some ideas to share. Whom do I contact?

A: Father Dan and/or the Worship Mutual Ministry.

Q: I'd like to participate in outreach, but sometimes I don't have as much time to give as others. What can I do?

A: The Evangelism Mutual Ministry also includes our outreach efforts, and works to respond to needs, some of which are transient in nature. The Episcopal City Mission needs volunteers to help out once a year with their birthday party program, and as frequently as you can for their literacy program. Our participation in Habitat for Humanity can use you one or two Saturdays per year, and there are additional opportunities for retirees. Feed My People always needs volunteer assistance. Keep your ears open!

Q: How do you communicate information?

A: Primarily through announcements after we pass the peace in our service, inserts in the weekly bulletin, our monthly newsletter "The Scroll", and via this website.

Q: Coffee hours?

A: Yes, after both Sunday services.

Q: I like to see flowers on the altar and decorating the church. How can I contribute?

A: You may choose to sponsor the flowers on the altar - there is a sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall. There are also two times a year (Christmas and Easter) when you're invited to donate for memorials. Envelopes will be made available.

Q: What's a "narthex"?

A: The narthex is the vestibule just inside the front doors. There the ushers greet you, announcements are posted on the bulletin board, and helpful literature is found on the tract rack.

Q: What's an "undercroft"?

A: It's a church basement, and we don't have one.

Q: OK, what about all of these other terms I've never heard of?

A: There is a great glossary on the Episcopal Church website.